
Some people say death is the worst possible fate. I say they're wrong. To me, being forgotten is

much worse than death.

Which is why I felt like killing that monkey-boy Zidane when he forgot my name. I can't stand being

forgotten, especially by people I love.

Like Sir Fratley.

I admit I was crazy to fall in love with him.

But what normal Burmecian girl wouldn't? I mean, he was Iron-Tail Fratley, the most courageous

and charming Dragoon knight there ever was. And he loved me.

I felt like crying when he told me he was going to leave me to travel the world. He left me with

nothing but rumors of his death.

I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe it.

I'll wait forever for him to come back, but I won't believe some petty rumors.

But then, there's a down side.

What if the rumors are true????

What if he isn't coming back????

What if he comes back, but doesn't love me anymore?

Even worse, what if he comes back, but doesn't remember me??

Don't worry, Freya, I keep telling myself. Fratley is safe.

It doesn't do much good, because I don't really know.

For all I know, he's sitting in some pub in Alexandria, drinking some exotic champagne.

I know he isn't dead.

Injured, maybe. But not dead.

I know he's coming back to me.

He promised he would.

