Authors Note: Okay. Okay. This is a work of my superb insanity. It's from when I first played FF8, and saw the opening FMV and such. I was a little demented 7th grader back then who didn't even have a memory card.

Disclaimer: You know it all. I don't own any FF characters. Square does. I almost completely made this thing up, except for some references from the actual game.

Rating: Same as the game.



Crashing against the beach.

A beach that Squall had been to many times before with Rinoa.

He thought about the beach often.

Even now, as he was dodging, slashing, and narrowly avoiding getting his head sliced off while training with Seifer, his mind still lingered on the beach.

His gunblade flew through the air, landing sharply on its point, seemingly stuck. Squall knew better, though.

Eyes firey, he grabbed his sword, and aimed at Seifer, who just stood in his battle stance, smiling evilly.

The two continued their fight.


Meanwhile, far away, in Edea's chambers of the Grand Palace, Rinoa waited patiently. Being the sorceress's handmaiden was boring at times, but she had learned to live with her complaints about her duty.

Not that she had a choice, she thought, fingering the ring on her necklace, the one Squall had given her.

Her current position, Galbadia's ambassador(and maybe future world leader)'s little apprentice, was all her father's fault.

She would've been content to stay in the Deling City high school she had attended.

But, unfortunately, her father didn't care about what Rinoa was content with.

Just then, Edea walked through the draperies that hung by the doorway, her usual face mask covering her face. Rinoa straightened up her stance. She had work to do.


Squall raced toward his opponent, ready to sever any of Seifer's limbs. The latter was ready for anything, and proved it as he sent a blast of deadly (well, not really) fire magic racing at Squall, who was knocked almost senseless from the impact. Seifer took this opportunity to slash at Squall as the latter got back to his feet. Squall felt a small sting as the metal from the blade touched his forehead. Then, as he felt blood trickling down his face, saw it on the rocks, he swung at Seifer, his mind racing with thoughts.

The dance.

The beach.

Meeting Rinoa for the first time.

Then his mind went blank as suddenly, he lost consciousness.


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