March, 2006
Dear Mar,
I am a leader of a ragtag troop of online individuals who have ties to
very ancient website. While I have only been the caretake of our
group for a short while, I have tried to bring back some of the old
but also create some new in order to keep things fresh. My problem is,
there is another member of our group who has come back and decided to
another website to try and draw the old members. Some of our number
standing with him, and some are sticking with me. I am afraid that
this guy
is gonna break up what I've been trying so hard to get put together.
should I do?
-Distressed in Digiworld
Dear Distressed,
Wow. That sounds...well, frankly, crappy. Don't despair, though!
This other guy sounds like a troublemaker, but really, is he reliable?
Hopefully things'll crash down on his site, and those who joined with him will (also hopefully) come flocking back.
The best thing about this situation is that some members are staying loyal. *Grins* Keep giving them what they want, ask opinions on new content, and so on. They may even bring new members!
Hope this helps you out a little.
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