Procrastination Attack!!! Where the heck has Mars been for the past...year, you ask? Well...School. Drawing. DWTS-voting. Season 4, anyway. It's all covered in the blog, if you wanna know. ANYWAY!!!! As we speak, I am making plans for a big-big-BIG revamp of certain sections. Possibly the whole site. Included in this is Soul Dedication, which, to me, really NEEDS some sort of revamp. I'm just keeping -that- a secret for now. Trust me, updates -are- coming now. Ciaos for now!
September 14, 2006 NEW SECTION ALERT! Sketchy Details, for anyone wanting art-related advice! Well, it's still under construction..
(September 5, 2006)
Removed link to SD, until it's actually looking somewhat decent and less hyper! Oh, and expect major changes...characters and fanfics are now in the same section, hence known as Creative Stuff.
(August 31, 2006) Actually worked on Soul Dedication today. Everyone have a heart attack!!! That's about it, though...Oops.
For now...bear with me. Peruse some links, more "real site stuff" shall be up soon!